June 18, 2003

ANNOYED! Here is a man

Here is a man who's spent days and days trying to get MozBlog (
http://mozblog.mozdev.org ) to work and not understanding a) why it
won't work, b) why he can't get it to work, and c) how come no-one at
the MozBlog site seems to be complaining about the apparent fact that
And then it turns out it's all frigging blogger.com's fault! They are
unable, apparently, to transition to a "new" system without crippling
their API in the meantime. Astonishing.
More astonishing might be the answer to the question: does anybody but
me CARE???
BTW, MozBlog is really cool if you haven't tried it - it sits there
right in your browser window so you easily blog interesting stuff you
find, as you find it. Theoretically. Haven't been able to use it yet.
AND... it's cross platform cos it uses the outstanding Mozilla browser

Posted by dettifoss at June 18, 2003 02:44 PM